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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNNW  October 1, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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that settles that. >> from the left, i'm van jones. >> from the right, i'm s.e. cupp. join us tomorrow on "crossfire." erin burnett starts right now. >> outfront, news. the house votes on three bill that they say could ease the shutdown pain. plus a deadly rock slide in colorado claims five members of the same family. in the midst of the tragedy, there was a heroic choice that saved one person's life. we are there live with that story. and who is to blame for this violent confrontation? this violent confrontation between a driver and a motorcycle gang. we'll show you the entire tape. let's go "outfront." >> good evening. i'm erin burnett and i want to
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begin with breaking news that we have out here. coming on cnn from florida. this is a live picture of the jacksonville international airport. we're not in control of this camera. this airport is completely evacuated. there are no active operations at this time. amidst reports of multiple suspicious packages, according to the airport spokesperson, debby jones. i want to emphasize this jacksonville airport is one of the busiest cargo airports in the entire united states of america. a very busy cargo center there. that is part of what makes this story even more significant. we're going to continue to monitor this breaking news throughout the hour and bring you updates as soon as we can get them. but obviously right now, multiple suspicious packages found at that airport in jacksonville, florida. so we'll monitor that. we'll give you-up dates through the hour. and i want to get to our top breaking story as well. the house about to vote on three bills that republicans say will ease some of the pain of the shutdown.
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the piecemeal funding measures would apparently put an immediate end to delayed veterans benefits. we open the closed national parks and memorials and give the district of columbia to use its own revenue to continue operations. dana bash has been on capitol hill all day and all night following every twist and turn. do these really make a big difference or are they a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing? >> well, ultimately, it will be the latter. but if these bills were to have passed, were to have gotten to the president's desk, they would have made a little difference for the veterans, for people wanting to go to the national parks ask some people here in the district of columbia. but several things will stop that. number one, the white house has already issued a veto threat. and we have already seen even before the votes have started which should happen momentarily. the house speaker john boehner's spokesman releasing a statement reacting to the veto threat and i will read you part of it. it is, how does white house justify signing the troop fun go bill but vetoing similar
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measures for veterans, national parks and the district of columbia sf the white house position is unsustainbly hypocritical. the issue for a lot of democrats here and i think we'll see at the end of the day, most democrats believe what the republican strategy to do is to cherry pick some of the easy things, the most symbolic things to reopen but not some of the more controversial parts of the federal government. listen to what nancy pelosi, the democratic leader said about that. >> it's not about the parks. it is about the affordable care act. so urge our colleagues to see this for what it is. it is pathetic. it is not responsible. it is beneath the dignity. i keep saying that but we keep getting further beneath the dignity. >> now, the whole democratic argument is that they believe
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what the house republicans are trying to do is fund the government in and around the agencies that would actually fund obama care. it is a way the defunding the obama care strategy. people who followed the house closely might ask, why could we wear what democrats are saying? they usually don't matter because the house has such a big majority. in this case, the way the house republicans have set up this vote, it does matter. they will need two-thirds majority to pass and it that's why they need democratic support and it doesn't look like they'll get it. >> thank you very much. as she indicated, that veto from the white house. so maybe a nice headline but basically a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. the impact of the shutdown, you could sight this morning. tourists, don't bother. the lincoln memorial along with the united states other national parks, closed at an estimated cost of $450,000 a day in lost revenue. at the world war ii memorial, a group of veterans took mat enters into their own hands storming the barriers. we'll have more on that story
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later in the show. nasa television dark, along with 97% of nasa's work force. they are just some of the 800,000 americans who are not getting paychecks today. and if you are an animal fan, and we know some of you may laugh at this, but this is just among the things that happened. you will no longer be able to watch the national zoo's panda orangutan, clawed otter or others. look at the overall picture. the congressman told me, if the shutdown lasts only until the end of the workweek. the total economic hit to the united states of america would be $32 billion. that adds up. so what are those in washington who are still getting paid doing about the shutdown that they cost? >> i will not give in to reckless commands by some in the republican party. i will not negotiate over congress's responsibility to pay bills it has already racked up. >> one man who did try to stop thought is our second story
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"outfront." congressman peter king who tried to convince his fellow party members, a last-ditch effort to prevent a showdown. that effort failed and that the maers for manager's entire economy. there is no bigger story in the country. "outfront," peter king. he sits on the house financial services committee. always good to have you with us. let me ask you. your thought here. you needed about 20 other republicans to prevent a shutdown. you thought you had the votes but in the end, only two moderate republicans, one was you, stepped up. >> i was hoping to get 20. there were 20 or 25 who had committed themselves back on saturday but it is a long way from saturday to monday. having said that, there were two as you say, two votes on the first rule. nobody voted on it before. and then on the second, there were nine republicans voted no on the rule. and also on the final passage of the bill, it was 12 or 13 voted no. if we can get 20 or 25, this could be over.
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so the fact that we did go from two to nine to 13, again, shows that there are breaks. we saw a number of republicans coming out who said they didn't d want to reopen the government and have a vote on a clear cr. >> i see what you're saying. i see you have to see the glass half fulfill some of those republicans voted with you because they didn't -- they didn't think the bill went far enough in dismantling obama care. so you had michele bachmann on there. >> on the second one, all nine voted against it a second time. at least eight of the nine were what you would call moderates. >> so let me ask you though. you talk about how a lot changed. you thought you had 20 or 25. and all right. you're spinning this positively but are you disappointed in john boehner? earlier this year he said, i would be risk the full faith and credit of the american government over obama care. a direct quote from john boehner. here we are, someone like you goes to him last night. tries get help for a rational,
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reasonable thing and are you disappointed in him in. >> john boehner is in a very, very tough position. he does not want to do this. he told us as recently as three weeks ago that we wouldn't do this. we had a ted cruz wing in our party which really cares about nothing but their own agenda. the ted cruz agenda. their agenda. and they basically threatened to bring everything down. what john boehner is trying to do is keep the party united as long as he can while minimum damage is being done. it is a tough spot he's in. i've been very critical of republicans. we are where we are. i would say it is time for president obama to get engaged. this is his government. whether it is our fault or not, the republican party's fault or not, he is the president. he has to come in and he cannot just stab back. i'm calling on him to get involved. i think the republicans have this wing of 30 or 40 or 50 people driving us over a cliff. we have to stop listening to ted cruz. it is time for the president to get engaged. too much at stake. we have good people out of work. the damage that will come to the
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economy. this cannot be allowed to go on. this is mad know. >> of course it has been 787 days since we lost the aaa rating and that was because of the debt ceiling and now you have that coming up. you heard the president say he won't negotiate. you heard that earlier today. but he declared a victory today and i wanted to play that for you quickly. >> they've shut down a whole bunch of parts of the government but the affordable care act is still open for business. >> was that taunting? >> it was. but it also showed what a fraud ted cruz was. he was saying all along that we voted to defund obama care, he would be able to kill the whole thing in the senate. obviously, defunding obama care wouldn't stop it. the president is playing a game here. he is still in campaign mode. this is too important for that. let him say he won the battle. i don't care who wins the battle. i want the government to reopen. if he wants to play golf on saturday, if he wants to say he is not going to negotiate with boehner but he will negotiate
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with putin, not only is he going on end up losing or being drag down with us but the government will stay shut, people will be out of work and we'll have real risks here. people in the intelligence community have been laid off. a significant number of people, army reservist who's do counter terrorism work. they are being laid off. so there is a security dimension to this in addition to the other inconvenienceses. >> thank you very much. congressman peter king. trying to exert some leadership on capitol hill. still to come, on rock slide in california. five members. same family killed. one person saved thanks to a self-less choice. plus, benjamin netanyahu coming out today, guns blazing on iran's new president. the israeli leader said rouhani has no credibility. and the dramatic confrontation caught on tape. we are learning more about this battle tonight. we also continue to follow the
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breaking news out of jacksonville, florida work multiple suspicious packages, closing the airport in jacksonville, international. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ hooking up the country helping business run ♪ ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fno hidden fees.accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... hey daddy, what's your job? daddy's a uhh florist.
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our third story "outfront," a deadly rock slide in colorado. five members of one family killed yesterday. they were on hike together, a family hike. there was one survivor. 13-year-old gracie johnson. she was with her parents, her sister and two cousins when the >> you see the steepest of the slope. you see the size of the boulders. this was a ricky, risky operation. >> reporter: the only survivor, 13-year-old gracie johnson pulled by a first responder. >> he did not see gracie at first. but he heard somebody screaming and he saw hand sticking out of the rocks. and when he heard her scream, he was able to start digging. >> reporter: gracie is now in the hospital with a broken leg. annie yates is a family friend. >> i'm so happy you're still here for your brother and for
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your family. and you're just a miracle. everyone has faith in you. that's in your name. >> reporter: gracie's middle name, faith. the miracle of her survival celebrated outside the high school where her parents both coached. in this small town, duane and donna johnson were deeply rooted. duane, an electrician, coached football part time. donna waited tables at two restaurants to support her family. but still had time to help coach track. their daughter, gracie's sister, was also killed, was a senior here. the two nephews, paris and beigeon were visiting from missouri. they decided to go hiking that morning on the popular trail recommended in guide looks for children. the sheriff's department says recent heavy rain and freezing temperatures loosened the massive boulders and triggered the slide. the reason gracie is alive, her father saw the boulders coming. >> gracy told the rescuing deputy, home run father shielded her from the boulders.
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and pushed her out of the way. >> doesn't surprise me one bit. duane, he would have been there for you. and he didn't know you. if you were close enough to him and he saw it comingering would have done the same thing for you. >> a gentle heart, the high school expected to have a candlelight vigil tonight. a thousand people from this town, about half the population of this place, is expected to show up here at the football stadium behind me. and erin, here at the gymnasium is where they'll held to memorial for these two beloved coaches. >> kyung lah, thank you very much. in our fourth store it outfront, benjamin netanyahu's blistering attack at the new president. israeli president benjamin netanyahu finally had his chance to take the stand and he was if i recall. calling out his iranian counterpart again and again with the hopes of shredding rouhani rouhani's credibility.
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when it come to iran's claim that it wants to process yellow cake uranium to make fuel and medical devices, not weapons. >> you fooled the world once. now he thinks he can fool it again. you see, rouhani thinks he can have his yellow cake and eat it too. >> jim shuuto is "outfront." he is very good with these memorable one liners or the images he provides. this was a guns blazing speech against iran. not at all lake the conciliatory tone president obama struck last week. no question. president rouhani of iran had his charm offensive, you can call this his truth offensive from benjamin netanyahu. some real biting attacks there. he said that rouhani is a wolf in sheep's clothing. that's really his message. that this charm offensive has no substance. that it is a way to buy time to bull a nuclear weapon. >> so there's been a lot of talk
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about negotiating with iran, right? that's what all this comes from. and rouhani said last week at a meeting i was at with him. he said categorically, there is no way iran will stop enriching uranium. so what was it that he said that made it sound like there would never be an agreement. he seemed to lay down a lane on the opposite side. >> the point was they would have to give up enriching uranium entirely, and closing down some nuclear facilities. but this is a difference between israel and the u.s. because the american president, president obama has said that iran does have a rid to enrich within limitations. up to 5%, for instance. so that's the difference between the u.s. and israel. and there is a way forward here. where you can allow iran to enrich up to 5%, which is well below 5%. also reduce the number of centrifuges and reduce the at of enriched uranium in the country to keep them w away from a nuclear breakout capability. those are the outlines of a
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potential deal. but in that deal, israel would have to give up, give at least grant the right to have some enrichment. >> which would be a big concession for netanyahu and a lot of people wonder whether they would move to strike on their own. something just happened that i know you saw. the cheryl of twitter, jack dorsey, tweeted iran's president this afternoon queg whether iranian who's don't have access to social media can read the tweets of their president. the iranian government uses the twitter account as hasan rouhani but they refuse to take accountability for it. but that account did apply to jack dorsey. >> it did. it said you can expect some movement possibly on this. and just so you know, the iranian foreign minister has a twitter account as well which he used to attack president obama. that one is var fade. i spoke to the iranian president. i asked him this question. he said expect some relaxing on
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internet freedom in iran. he said these bans where the policies of the last administration, ahmadinejad, and they don't consider it their policy. so it is possible that we'll see iran relax these restrictions. possibly on twitter. we haven't seen it yet and as you know in our experience, with the iranian government, you will have to see it to believe it. there is a possibility there. at left a hinted by several iranian officials. >> that's rate. you have to see it to believe it. we'll see. even if they don't verify these accounts, you've put out promises and people can hold to you account. >> thank you very much. reporting on the major speech at the u.n. still to come, a hollywood couple. they say their race was the reason they were detained. plus, more bad news for the post office which has nothing to do with the shutdown. and we continue to follow the breaking news in jacksonville, florida. multiple suspicious packages. a crucial cargo airport in this country, 90% of all bags from
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the company coach, for example, go through that airport. aware following that story this hour. i want peacocks. peacocks? walking the grounds. in tuscany. [ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen.
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did police profile a hollywood couple? tonight the sheriff's office in south carolina is investigating claim that an officer detained two black actors who had stopped along a road to take some pictures. now, according to the couple interesting officer who cuffed them made several accusations as to why they were being detanld. the couple claims those allegations did not add up. david mattingly is outfront. what is the couple saying actually happened in. >> well cherry johnson and
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dennis white were in south carolina driving to myrtle beach for a little vacation. they pulled over on the side of the road. that's when they got out of the car to take pictures of a cotton field. something a lot of tourists might try to do in that area. while they were doing that, a sheriff's deputy pulled up behind them. he ordered them to get back in their car. and they say very aggressively started asking a lot of questions about who they are, what are they doing there and what is in their car. listen. >> he said that he thought maybe we had a dead body in the car. that we had all type of drugs. >> and he kept saying, if you have marijuana, just let me know and i'll write you a citation. it was like five times. i'm sorry, i don't have drugs. and he went on to ask, do you have cocaine? well, do you have prescription drugs in your purse. i said no, sir, i don't do drugs. i don't have drugs at all. >> and it got even worse from there. the couple ended up being
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handcuffed them agreed to let the deputy search their vehicle. when he went through it, he went through all of their belongings, questioned them about money they were carrying, continued to ask them about drugs. and even then, when they started asking him questions, he responded with what sounded like some threats. listen. >> sir, can i ask for a watch commander to come out and then i was told, oh, you want to play that game? we can play. i can arrest you fortress passing and petty larceny. >> it was very, you know, i think he was trying to provoke. i think he was trying to provoke me or i don't know what the situation was. but it was really uncalled for. and i felt violated. i still do. >> the couple says that this deputy actually told cherry johnson that there was a warrant out for her arrest. which he later admitted was not true. and he eventually let the couple
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go. but not without first giving them a citation. they're not sure what it was for. because when you look at the citation, he just clicked that it was for other. whatever that means. >> and now, you're saying that you just heard him say he feels violated. and you're obviously talking about how they felt racially profiled in this. what does the sheriff say in response? >> the sheriff isn't able to say a will the because he says it is an ongoing investigation. he did release a statement. here's what he said. discrimination in any form including racial profiling is strictly prohibited by this department. he assures everyone that he will take immediate and appropriate actions to investigate these allegations. he actually asked the state to step in and investigate this demt as well. i got confirmation today from the state of south carolina. yes, that investigation is going on. >> thank you very much. still to come interesting latest from the government shutdown. vets storm a memorial today. a special report. new information about this
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violent confrontation. what led the group of bikers to do that to a motorist? slash the tires, attack him. someone might be paralyzed for life. an outrage over justin bieber's recent behavior. what he has done tonight in china. across america people are taking charge
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront" on tuesday. we're continuing to monitor the situation at jacksonville international airport. it was completely evacuated after reports of multiple suspicious packages. at this moment there are no active operations. you can see the police activity. we've learned from a spokesman at southwest airlines that two flights have been diverted to orlando. an air tran flight is being held on the ground in atlanta to prevent it from taking off. we are waiting for a media briefing to begin. any minute, we'll take that live. the u.s. postal service has defaulted on a payment for retiree health benefits. this has nothing to do with a government shutdown. there is a mandate that requires them to set it aside every year. like a lot of companies and government agencies in this year they don't do it, which is why
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we have a crisis i coming. this shows why you the post office is failing to get the money. because in 2001, 208 billion pieces of mail were shipped. that number has plunged 25% over the past ten years. justin bieber has been waves again. this time for pictures that appear to show his body guards carrying them on their shoulders while they scale the great wall of china. we don't know if bieber made his body guards carry him or not or if they were joking around. the twitter account where the pictures are is a fan account. not a verified account. it is however followed by the verified justin bieber account. we've reached out but have not heard back. in our sixth story, loads of veterans broke past the barriers at the memorial for world war ii. and there were members of congress saying the vets deserved entry. of course the same ones who let the government shut down in the
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first place. >> reporter: wheelchair bound veterans came just to see the world war ii memorial, only to be greeted by barricades. >> i don't get it. i don't get it. i'm furious. >> reporter: members of congress seemed surprised. when they vote to shut down the federal government, monuments do, too. >> if i can walk around here, why kin walk down there? it makes no sense. >> reporter: that's exactly what some are saying about negotiations on capitol hill. >> i feel like our government is wasting our. at a pair money. >> reporter: onlookers applauded as the veterans broke past the barricade. >> well, fills you with pride and make you proud. >> reporter: lawmaker who came to greet the veterans also laid blame for those barricades. >> this is a spiteful decision
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that was ordered from the white house. >> reporter: the politicians made no mention of their own role. >> we're trying to protect the lives and the health care of these wonderful veterans who did for us. >> reporter: as they postured within a mile of the memorial, thousands of federal workers were being furloughed. >> everyone is angry. i mean, angry. >> reporter: send hole without pay. they're scared for themselves and their co-workers. >> i just bought a house. i can't make the mortgage. >> reporter: angry, worried, and incredibly frustrated. >> because i don't see why we the people should really suffer because of this disagreement. >> reporter: despite it all the shutdown won't stop one 93-year-old's father who will get to see the memorial that honors him. >> we're glad to get on the plane. >> you're going on enjoy this day. >> oh, yeah, it will be great.
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>> reporter: but the thing is, there are hotels and flights book for a dozen more veterans trips over the next week. park officials say they are looking for guidance on how to handle those. translation, we can't believe the folks in charge left us here to block elderly veterans from an open concrete space. >> chris lawrence, thank you very much. next, the political blame game. you saw people like misdemeanor at the memorial today. some of the same people who are part of the shutdown. it is showing no signs of stopping and with no way out of the gridlock, lawmaker are looking on assigning blame for the first government shutdown in 17 years. which as i reported at the top of the hour, will cost $32 billion by thursday or friday night. so who has the most to lose? outfront executive editor, the former adviser, and former spokesman for house speaker john
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boehner. a perfect group. here we are, a day into the shutdown. we got a little count. 19 hours, 37 minutes and sri 57 seconds. the president did not talk to john boehner today? made a call at the last minute last night. who needs to make the first move now? >> we are in a total stalemate. unless speaker boehner decides to start thinking about his legacy, to break the stalemate, there won't be an incentive for either side to take this seriously until we get closer to the debt ceiling. >> that's october 17th. >> oh, yeah. we're at more like two weeks, not two days. that's the improvable object that will have to get discussions started. otherwise the white house holds the cards and even boehner knows he doesn't have a strong game to play. >> there is blame to go around by the polls but they are getting more. when you look at the quinnipiac poll, it shows on a generic pole, a democrat has a 9-point lead in a congressional ballot
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over a republican. that would be a problem if it were sustain. i don't know if you heard peter king. but at the top of the hour he referred to what ted cruz is doing as a fraud. and said that the republicans need to stop listening to ted cruz ruffle worried the gop could lose the majority because of this? >> if we go back to 1996, the last time there was a shutdown, the republicans reteenage their control of the congress. they lost some ground admittedly. but the next election is a million years away from now. i heard the legacy mentioned by the last guest. and the legacy here is at stake. obama care is the singular accomplishment of this president. and as long as he has a political advantage, as long as his poll number show that he is doing okay, he is going to stay where he is. he has no reap. he can play golf on saturday. harry reid cannot go to work on sunday and they're happy to have this last as long as it takes. >> they can take advantage of the gorgeous fall weather.
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i say that, i guess i'm joking but in a disgusted manner. speaking last night, chris christie weighed in. obviously seen as one of the main contenders in 2016 for the republican party. someone asked him how he would handle the stalemate and here's what he said if we president. >> my approach would be, as the executive, is to call in the leaders of the congress, the legislature, whatever you're dealing with and say that we're not leaving this room until we fix this problem. because i'm the boss. i'm in charge. >> why did not the president get personally involved sooner? he made those calls last night to john boehner but they were at the last minute. you can satisfy boehner should have done this or that but ultimatelies the president. >> he is the president. i do know how things work in new jersey, and the national government like new jersey, we have a separation of powers. not the boss. the real negotiation is not between harry reid and john
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boehner. not even between speaker boehner and the president. it is between speaker boehner and the tea party caucus. that's what has to be resolved. the democrats are united, they're toward fund the government at a much lower level than they want which is a huge concessions, if write advising they will, should just bank. so governor christie is right. it is not boehner, reid and obama. it is the speaker and ted cruz. actually just ted cruz who is apparentlily the de facto speaker of the house. if the republican party wants to reassert itself. >> what about that? that ted cruz is the speaker right now? should john boehner say hey, ted cruz, other a fraud. put his legacy on the line? >> the republicans have been remarkably united throughout this crisis. the votes you've seen over the last couple days show a united republican party. the speaker is managing a
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difficult situation. he has a tea party wing of the party that he's made commitments to. they have wanted to shut the government down for their own political ideological reasons. and in some ways, they share this mess with president clinton. because in some ways, it serves both of those groups to give their constituency this kind of a message that they're willing to go to the wall for their principles. but the speaker of the house has made a commit many to his conference that if he can keep them united, he will keep them marching in the right direction. >> what we're seeing is the veneer of unity that is the thrill when people jump off a cliff together. you go an inch deep down in this and people including the speaker know this is a bad idea. that they have been forced into this for fear of losing their own seats in a primary or losing a speaker challenge. this is not a smart political skrat. everyone knows that except the folks who have been drinking a
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little too deep in the kool-aid. >> you don't need to have a weeky board to figure out it is an advantage for the president. when we get to the next election, most of these congressional seats are safe. the republicans and the democrats have redistricted these seats in such a way that they have to serve a narrower constituency. so some of the same national political trends that you see, say, in that generic ballot, aren't in play when these guys are their own personal calculations. >> final word to you, paul. >> i think terry is right. that's a very good point. although if i could give you a few data points, there are 18 house republican who's represent districts that president obama won. there's 19 more who represents districts that he lost by two points or less. that's 37 districts the democrats could win. they only need to win a net of 17. so a week or two ago, i said i don't see any way the democrats could pick up any seats. i want to change that. the tea party faction, they don't have the votes to to that obama care but they can get my
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party the votes to reinstate speaker pelosi so i want to thank ted cruz for bringing back speaker pelosi. >> that would be an interesting turn of affairs. i can just imagine who might be the president then during part of her reign. wow! well, still to come, a new holiday makes its way on to the calendar. enjoy it now because it won't be back another if i,000 years. plus a violent confrontation. and we are learning more about this battle between a motorist and a group of bikers. plus, a an update from jackson international airport which has been completely shut down. we'll be back with that. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care.
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. our eighth story, aggressive driving gone bad. a motorcyclist has been arrested and charged with reckless driving and reckless everybody dangerment after a confrontation with a range rover caught on tape. we don't know what will happen with the driver of the range rover. we first showed you this dramatic clash in new york city last night. police say the driver of the suv was with his wife and 2-year-old child. he was beaten but several bikers were also injured in the incident by the range rover. "outfront" tonight, national correspondent susan candiotti
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has the story. >> reporter: watch these bikers using their helmets and fists to bash the window of an suv. one of those bikers with the design on his helmet has turned himself in to police. seconds after the video cuts off, the suv driver is pulled out and assaulted in front of his wife and 2-year-old daughter. it happened sunday. the cliff begins when the man's suv hits this motorcycle. that biker faces several charges, including reckless endangerment. surrounded, the suv stops. the tires slashed. police say he feared for his life and then this happens. takes off. yolanda santiago said her son edwin was underneath the suv. >> all his ribs, fractured. his lungs are so badly bruised. he is still on the ventilator. >> reporter: seen here in a facebook page dedicated to him is now in critical condition. >> my husband got off his bike
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to help the guy. and whatever he did, he got it didn't end there. the bikers continue to chase the suv. one tries to open the suv's door, but the driver peels off again. till traffic backs up. the man is dragged out, assaulted. he's treated and released from a local hospital. >> that whole matter is still being investigated. >> reporter: the suv's driver has not been charged, but nypd commissioner ray kelly isn't ruling it out. >> it depends on whether or not the vehicle was being attacked, whether or not you think you're being attacked, whether or not your wife and child is in the car. you have to look at the totality of the circumstances and that's what we're doing. >> reporter: commissioner kelly says this same group caused problems last year during a rally in times square. >> this particular group did not ask for a permit, did not file for a permit.
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in fact last year they came in with over a thousand cyclists to be somewhat disruptive. they rode on the sidewalk, that sort of thing. >> reporter: while police are still sorting things out, a debate going on in social media. relatives and supporters of the biker who's in critical condition, saying they just want it known that he's a victim too. others weighing in that the bikers put themselves at risk, and that the driver of that suv was justified in trying to protect his family. erin. >> susan candiotti. i want to bring in dr. drew pinsky now. you've seen the video. obviously it's unclear who started this, which is obviously very important. but one thing that's clear, there had to have been some pretty nasty, inappropriate behavior on both sides. >> on both sides, right. >> how does this happen? >> i wonder how many people around the world look at this footage, shake their head and says what's going on in this country, the government shuts down and people are attacking
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each oar on the roads. >> that could be you or me because you give them the finger, you yell and you don't think someone will come and bash your car. >> we don't know who is at fault here. vigilanteism is never okay, don't take the law in your own hands, call for help. in southern california where i live we've been dealing with this for a long time. to us that's an afternoon on the santa monica freeway. road rage is out of control in certain parts of this country. i think it's just a symptom of how unregulated we are, how angry we are, how frustrated we are, and ultimately for me, i know you're pregnant, erin, and for me it's all about how we raise our kids and we teach them to regulate their emotions rather than act them out. >> now let's talk about that. you're saying a lot of this has to do with how these people, whether you're the suv driver or the motorcyclist -- >> i am saying that unregulated aggression, unregulated emotion that then gets acted out is something that we should be really thinking about. and in my world, it has a lot to
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do with the quality of the relationships we have with the important people in our life, particularly early in our life. if we cannot regulate our emotions and they become so intense that we have to either act in, eating disorders, drug disorders, alcohol, or act out aggressively, that seems to be the note of the day, we're looking at this video, this is crazy behavior and yet -- >> people understand. i think what surprises me is people watch this and say you learn a lesson from it. people can understand how it escalated, they can. >> sure, we can all understand it but a lot of people say who started it. let's figure who should have been hurt here. nobody should have been hurt. nobody should have done any of this. this is sort of bordering on childish behavior. i understand that there may have been more here we just don't know about. the driver might have felt threatened, maybe the bikers felt threatened. but still, stop, let cooler heads prevail, ask for help. unless your in imminent danger where you have to take evasive
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action, but that does that look like that type of situation. >> you talk about people being angry. i want to make sure, this guy or gal doesn't ever end up being one of those people. >> we don't know? >> i don't know. but in kentucky a guy pulled out a gun on someone. you talk about that happening in california all the time. he maybe even fired a gun. that is also still being investigated. that is the video from that. but why is this happening? it just seems like -- i know sometimes you see more video and it feels like it's happening more often, but it does. >> i saw other footage of people -- as soon as we start talking about this, everyone is pointing at footage they know of or circumstances they know of because it is common. it's not as though it's just happening yesterday or this weekend. this has been happening for years. perhaps this will direct some attention to it. but the fact that we're an aggressive society, we value aggression. >> we reward it. >> we reward it. but the fact is that this kind of vigilanteism and acting out at other people has got to be
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pulled back. really this is going to sound ridiculous and contrived and trite, but it's starting at the home. that's why i was anxious to talk to you about it today because you're about to build one with this young man or lady, i don't know what this is going to be. hopefully he won't end up in my rival college, as you did, but ultimately people build the capacity to regulate intense emotions in the home. >> i would hope the child would be assertive but not aggressive. there's the word we're looking for. dr. drew, thank you. don't miss him at 9:00 eastern on hln. tonight a doctor accused of drugging and drowning his wife because of an extramarital affair. >> more aggression. >> the daughters of the suspect are going to be dr. drew's special guests tonight at 9:00 of course on hln. we're going to be back because we have some more breaking news and an update from the jacksonville international airport.
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i want to update you on the breaking news out of florida, the evacuation of jacksonville international airport. it was completely evacuated. there were reports of two suspicious packages. that is a new development. one found in the airport terminal and one in the parking garage. there are still no active operations at this time in terms of flights. people still on the tarmac, people sent to hotels, flights put on delay, sent to other airports. the fbi in jacksonville is
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telling us now that they are involved in the investigation. due to the evacuation two flights have been diverted to orlando. an air tran flight is being held on the ground in atlanta. those are all things we know. i can tell you also that they have not yet been able to search those packages. there is a bomb squad, though, on the scene. two people have been taken into custody at this time. that is the very latest that we have. let's hand it off now to anderson cooper. erin, thanks. good evening, everyone. tonight there is breaking news in the shutdown. the house voting tonight on a new offer. the white house is already saying no thanks. we'll have full coverage tonight on the shutdown showdown. later video of what appears to be a vicious attack. a driver in an suv out with his wife and baby attacked by a pack of angry pikers. it happened in new york, all of it caught o